

Success at a Glance

Baltic Yacht
When we started to work with COD in 2019 we were in the middle of a fairly comprehensive financial turnaround. With that we were facing a number of issues both in terms of way of working, creating structure, making sure that all the relevant departments and functions were communicating with each other to facilitate both process and efficiency improvement as well as financial improvements.
We have been using the COD methodology since day 1 I joined Baltic Yacht and during the following years we implemented it across all functions. It is still widely used and we find it highly effective. Us being well on our way to the financial turnaround and being able to make a record result in 2021 is a great testimonial to the fact that COD tools and methodologies actually work. Just before the pandemic hit, we managed with help of COD to set up a framework and structure that enabled us to keep running even during these more challenging times.
Since we started to work with COD, we have been able to achieve significantly better levels of communication throughout the entire company. I think good communication really is the key to any kind of turnaround situation, no matter if it is financial or related to other matters.
The main reason I would recommend COD is because our work together is just a brilliant case study that proves that the methodology really works. The implementation of a new way of working according to COD’s approach is not time intensive, my firm belief is that this way of working actually saves time. COD provides tools that secure efficient work both on management level, as well as in various departments and functions. Less time is spent in meetings, but decision making is made faster.

Kalmar Global
During my career I have not met any organisation that does not need to improve their practical collaboration culture. COD has efficient tools and long term experience in reading the situation and challenges an organisation is facing and they are very flexible to adapt trainings and support to fit any companies needs for development.
The number one problem that I saw and the main reason why I turned to COD for help was to resolve the silo working style in the organisation. COD has great methods to improve collaborations and break down silo mindsets and replace it with a collaborative culture. With efficient collaboration comes new innovations and ways of solving problems - that lead us to being able to focus on our core business, the market and customer needs giving us improved financial results.

Belfor Europe
COD combines theoretical with practical learning, which is unbeatable in a change process. The time for reflection and the focus on where we stand, where we want to go and what are needed from us to get there is extremely valuable in the development work and has given us a lot both as individuals and as a group.
In ECG, together with COD, we have built an effective way of working with a clear meeting structure, strengthened the group relationship through an increased understanding of each other and truly realized the importance of different perspectives. In BELFOR we always aim to take good care of both our employees and our customers even when nobody is watching, which comes off very strong in our work and has lead us to have a certain company culture. We are a growing company and due to shifts in the market as well as our growth we were seeing that the organisation became more decentralised. BELFOR is a peoples business, and we need happy staff in order to generate happy customers.
The most important challenges we saw was to maintain the same company culture throughout the entire organisation and to get our staff re-motivated. Since we started to work with Core of Development I see a positive change in the engagement level in the organisation and an establishment of a new way of working structure. The most important outcome is that the managers developed and are now engaging their people to contribute to a more thriving culture and successful working environment. 
COD have very good and efficient tools when it comes to get people to behave in a different way and how to motivate people to be more involved and contribute more. What I really appreciate with COD besides the outcome from the collaboration is that they do not come here and pretend to know better than us and present a solution and leave us to execute it. Collaborative and involving way of working is the style of COD, they support us to aggregate our knowledge into our own solutions. I really appreciate the tailored solutions and support COD offers based on our needs. 

I got to know COD in my previous jobs at KUKA Robotics & Baltic Yachts. I have experienced their impact on people and organisations in breaking down silos, increasing commitment and involvement, thus creating a robust culture of solution oriented collaboration. I was then very fortunate to join an executive team at GRAMMER that has the same sense for the value of the culture to the company. We have therefore brought in Björn and his COD team into GRAMMER strait from our start as a new executive team. COD helps to make the cultural impact experienceable: their approach combines behavioural development with strategy creation and secures it’s execution.
At GRAMMER we call this “WoW”: Way of Working. It is indeed a “wow” feeling when you see people starting to live the COD theory – i.e. when people who in the past were not able to see other possible directions or solutions except for their own, become excited about other’s suggestions and ideas. COD’s approach is based on basic human values that everyone shares and therefore the acceptance around the globe is guaranteed. The uniqueness of COD is their ability to incorporate these values into everything that happens in the company: from strategy creation to daily routines. The approach is based on experiences people make in the workshops and in practical trainings as well as on full set of tools helping to stick to the chosen path. And it is fun to work with COD!